Month: November 2018
What Do You Want?
Went for a ride this past weekend. My wife is a runner so my scooter is how I am able to participate with her. She said she would like to incorporate a stop at nearby grocery as part of the run. I hopped off and grabbed a shot of my eBikeboard scooter in the isle. I love the eBikeboard because it has 3 speed settings and I can slow it down to mobility scooter speed (4 MPH) or speed it up and ride with my wife as she runs or really speed it up and run over to the store by myself.
The really unique thing about this scooter is I can ride it from the street right into the store. So important for people like me who have mobility issues. Otherwise I could ride it to the store and then what? This scooter fills the gap. If I could just find one that could run errands, cruise with someone running, ride in stores…. and would fold and fit in the trunk and was FAA approved for travel!
I do have to say after I had been in the store for a few minutes the manager came up and confronted me and told me my scooter had to go and I could lock it in his office while I was shopping. My wife wasn’t having any of that, and she emphatically told him this was my mobility device. He backed down like he had been accused of using a racial slur. He suddenly was emphatically apologizing, so much so he sounded defensive. I didn’t even have to say a word.
Since I started riding scooters I have only been confronted a few handfuls of times, and most times it has gone well. I have had a few people angrily confront me, but in life when someone starts in on me I try to take their anger as information that they are upset. I usually let them say whatever they have to say, I get it, scooters are confusing to people who don’t use them regularly. But I also know that the law is on my side, and I can ride what I need to where I need to. If I have to prove my scooter has the right classification, I can do that. If I have to prove my disability, I can do that. But I think most people realize pretty quickly that hassling someone over their ADA mobility device is not a good look.
Winter is coming this week. Scooting is going to start to get interesting again…