Category: Electric Scooter

Mobility Takes A Seat

For me, mobility means I need to be able to sit down. Typical mobility scooters do not fit my needs in that they are heavy, slow and let’s face it, kinda ugly. I started using scooters 8 years ago and during this time I have ridden many different scooters. Every person that uses mobility assistive devices has different needs, some needs stability over everything else. But I still can walk short distances and have good balance, so I want to ride something more nimble. And I travel a lot. So I would ideally like something that was FAA friendly.

Many of my scooters hit the mark on one thing but not another. I keep trying different solutions as my budget allows.

A while ago I made a nice find in this GoPed ESR Sport. I bought if from an on-line classified ad and the person I bought it from had it under a pile of stuff in their garage. It wasn’t working but I took a chance, and when I replaced the batteries it popped back to life.

This GoPed ESR Sport is quite a peppy scooter. The tires are solid, just like on my GoPed kickscooter and there is no suspension so the ride is… let’s say it can be challenging. But the torque is amazing and the scooter really takes off and can really handle hills. The solid tires are nice for not getting flats in a hazard-filled urban riding environment, but you have to be really, really carefully hitting bumps. I would say top speed seems like around 15 MPH.

I was looking around at the scooter parts I had and found the original scooter seat post I made and shockingly the holes where in exactly the right place to mount it to my GoPed ESR Sport. I put on a seat with springs for more cushion and this is an amazing ride!

This scooter is great for running to the store and then riding through the store. It maneuvers tightly. One big drawback is it is not waterproof, so no riding in the rain. Also, it is pretty heavy. I can lift it, but it takes effort. All-in-all, this GoPed ESR Sport is a great ride, especially with the added seat. I think at some point I will try to make the seat folding.

I hope to ride and evaluate new scooters coming out. I back Eon scooter on IndieGoGo and they haven’t delivered and it doesn’t look like they will, despite their protestations. They also promised me a refund which has never happened and they don’t return my emails so… looks like I have lost all my money. It would be nice to have a scooter from a reputable company. I have noticed the Glion Snap N Go online, something like that would be nice to at least evaluate, but there is no where I know that I can go and test ride these scooters.

I will keep posting about what I ride and how it works in the hopes of passing useful information along.

Renter Scooters Change Scooter World Overnight

All of a sudden, everyone is talking about scooters. As a dedicated scooter rider for nearly a decade, it has been with mixed emotions that I have watched the world of rental scooters unfold.

I understand the appeal of these machines, and I have been very excited to see the progress in design and build in the new scooters coming out. I even backed a new scooter on IndieGoGo called the Eon (which at this point is looking like a scam and I have nothing to show for my money. Not happy with IndieGoGo or PayPal for how they handle their business, let alone Eon, but just let me say I would be VERY skeptical about spending money with IndieGoGo and WOULD NOT use PayPal and absolutely would use my credit card. More about this on another post.)

Lime and Bird scooters have appeared in the downtown area of the city where I live, but I have not yet taken the opportunity to ride either to evaluate them, maybe because I already have my own scooter to ride. I have seen many people riding them, and they seem to be really enjoying themselves.

The problem for me with the new popularity of rental scooters is the problems arising from the users of the new rental scooters. People with zero riding experience can easily rent one and hop on, and suddenly they are learning how to ride in a very challenging environment. After they ride them they leave them…wherever. By now most people have heard the about the issues, and much contention has arisen.

For someone who depends on scooters for mobility, I am cautiously optimistic about the future of rental scooters and scooter use in public places. I think there should be designated drop-off areas so they don’t end up everywhere. I think people should take care when riding, and not just grab one on a lark and carry their shopping bags as they try to navigate people and the skills required to ride.

The argument against these scooters because hospital visits are going up is a canard. Use has shot up, injuries have shot up. Duh. I never understand the “THIS IS DANGEROUS!” argument people take up when then don’t want something for whatever reason. Everything we do includes an element of risk, but that’s life. How about my motorcycle, you want that? Plenty of danger there. Maybe my baseball which has caused me pain, or maybe the knives in my kitchen that I have cut myself with? What about the over 250 people that have died taking selfies? 

People do stupid things, and one of the stupidest is being surprised when people do stupid things. Stupidity is not an argument against efficacy. So people do stupid things with scooters too, what’s new?

I hope that I do not incur additional  prejudice from people because of the new popularity of rental scooters. I need my scooters to navigate life, they are not a lark for me. We will see what the eventual outcome is, and if people hassle me I am already used to it so whatever, but I am glad that people are starting to understand the value scooters can provide society. Just like anything else, we need to use our powers wisely.

Dakota Lithium Clean Republic Battery Build

Posting my review of the Dakota Lithium Clean Republic 12V 10aH LiFePO4 Li-on battery. I have 2 – 24V Currie battery packs that I use for my scooter and bicycle. SLA batteries are cheap, say $25 a battery vs $100 for a Li-on battery, and they will get you on the road, but… heavy, limited range, limited life compared to Li-on.

So I finally scratched together the $400 I needed for 4 batteries and made my order. The batteries arrived quickly and were well packaged. The were an exact replacement for my 12V 10Ah SLA batteries.

I have used these packs all summer and they have been fantastic. They are much lighter and last much longer. How much longer? I would say at least double my SLA’s. I have used them in a 48V configuration with my e-Bikeboard scooter, on my 250W 24V 16″ Electric bicycle, and my 450W 24V 26″ electric bicycle, and… I even have used them with a step-down converter and my 12V Minn Kota electric outboard. In every application these batteries have performed exceptionally.

Another benefit is the power does not lag as the battery is used. With SLA’s the scooter starts to go slower as the battery drains, not so with these li-ons. The power stays constant throughout, but, when they die they die without warning. On…off.

You can see I have adapted the power connection to Anderson Power Poles. I charge the packs with a Li-ion charger that came with my eBikeboard scooter.

Hopefully it will take me years to find out how long they last, but so far they have been great, delivering all the power I have asked of them.

Fuzion Cityglide B200

The EW 36 sold. Picked up a sweet Schwinn vintage tandem bike this past week. That bike is fun to ride, although my first turn at the backseat stoker position I was pretty wobbly. It’s a really different riding sensation.

20151122_140318~2Somehow I stumbled onto a great deal on a Fuzion Cityglide B200 from Amazon. I had been looking at them after seeing a write-up on I went to bed with the page open and when I woke up the price had dropped substantially so I scooped one up. I haven’t ridden it too much yet, but it is very lightweight and folds up nicely. The wheels are big for a kickscooter, and it rolls nicely. I can feel a lot of the bumps in the road, but I am used to the 12″ and larger tires on my scooters. I plan on trying to put a seat on it and using it as my back-up seated scooter.

I was kind of surprised how handbrake t matched up when I put it next to my GoPed KnowPed.  I wouldn’t have guessed that it was as long. The wheels are big but much skinnier than the GoPed wheels. The handbrake activates the back stomp brake where the brake on the GoPed is a front brake.

I took my Schwinn S600 apart and fixed the chain. That was a mess and took a long time. The Currie scooters are hard to work on, I wouldn’t recommend it for first timers. Seems good now. I have ridden it a few miles and it seems good.

BTW, there is an interesting bicycle motor here that has an indiegogo campaign going on for the next few days. It’s called the shareroller. Seems like a good idea to have one motor and battery for every bike rather than a motor and battery on every bike.

EW 36

ew 36 (3)Got the EW 36 back on the road, I have put some good miles on it. The big wheels really make it roll easily. It’s nice and comfortable. The big “lazy-boy” seat takes the mobility experience to another “luxury” level. The front is very street scooter. It has the regular controls of a motorcycle. Hi/lo headlight, tail light, brake light, turn signals, horn, keyed ignition, locking steering column, brake levers, mirrors. The fairing actually blocks the wind a bit, too.

The suspension is a little different on the front tire. There is a shock on each side that is independently mounted, so it feels like it twists or wiggles a bit.

The back has four 18aH SLA batteries, a circuit breaker, a brushed 400W transaxle motor and the controller. When I got this the controller wasn’t wired in properly and the scooter didn’t operate. Someone had obviously tried to put a new one in and it wasn’t pretty. I got a new controller, but couldn’t few 36ind one with reverse so I wired in a golf cart switch. It’s kind of fun. I rode it over to Wally’s Wacky World and rode it around the store. Works good.

Going down the road is really a smooth ride on this thing, and with the big batteries you can go a long way. It is quite a sensation to be sitting in a big comfy chair whizzing down the road. It can be a little odd going around corners too fast though, so it helps to

As much as I like it, I am selling it. Someone else can get more use out of it than I can. Plus, I need the space in my garage.

Schwinn S600 Frankenscooter threw the chain the other day in a way that made it so that I couldn’t get it back on. I had to leave it, walk home and get my truck and go back and pick it up. This maintenance thing is getting to be a serious issue. Riding a scooter here and there is one thing. Riding it regularly in all kinds of situations…

My e-bikeboard scooter, a rock. Works every day. My GoPed KnowPed, a warrior. Seriously. I ran it over with my RV, no problem. My Currie equipment seems to need a fair amount of maintenance per mile ridden. I finally got better tires on them so hopefully the flats will slow down. I need to replace a spoke on my EZGO and adjust the chain on the S600.

EW 36 Revival

Cali Cruiser

This past week has had several good rides. Threw my scooter in the car and ran it up the hill to the garage, about 4 miles. Scootered home then scootered back when it was ready.

Picked up a beautiful vintage beach cruiser in excellent condition this week. Did a little research and found out this is one of the original beach cruiser frames. You can read here if you want more info on how these bikes came to be, it’s interesting. Wasn’t really looking to buy a bicycle, but we came across it and jumped. The ride is really smooth and the bike feels long and sleek. Really feels good in turns.

I put in several days on a project scooter I have, a EW 36, and FINALLY got it running. It is an interesting design, with a full complement of turn signals, horn, lights, tail lights — and wires everywhere. Took a while but I identified the wires and got a new controller and started hooking things up. Tested the throttle, good. Tested the motor, good. Replaced the controller and then chased down a bunch of bad connections.


When the wheels finally turned I was thrilled. It has been a lot of work to understand how to check things and what to check. I still have some work to do on it but it is working great now. I took it for a few short rides and then today I took it out for for 4 or so miles. It’s a very comfortable ride with the big wheels and big lazy boy seat.

This project should be finished soon. I have an exciting project waiting for me and I finished another project right before this one that I have yet to share.

Good things are happening!

Urban Riding and Mobility Challenges

Maintenance required
Maintenance required

Finding information about mobility and urban riding has not been easy for me. There has been a lot of learning by trial-and-error. I realize that it is a small segment of the population who share these interests and concerns, but I know there are people like me. That’s why I share what I am experiencing, so someone like me who is looking for information can find more information.

Recently someone in our community was using a wheelchair on our urban train and got their wheel caught in the tracks while crossing. Unfortunately a train was coming and he was struck and killed. Using mobility devices includes dangers, and for those of us who use them it is serious business.

Working on a new piece of safety equipment for myself right now. Once I get further along I will share. My friend and I came up with an idea and it’s been fun to try making it. We have ordered parts and will begin prototyping soon. I am excited.

Been continuing to ride and been thinking about how maintenance is a key element to factor with any device. This week I replaced a faulty throttle on my Trailz, so that is back on-line again. Found a broken rear spoke that needs replacing on my EZGO bicycle. And I need to make some decisions and move ahead with my battery configuration upgrade on my Lyric, or should I say eBikeboard, scooter. Got my first flat on the Lyric the other day, goathead sticker. They are brutal in the spots where the weeds have been left to grow. Also picked one up in the front tire of the EZGO, so two flat tires in one week. I run Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires with puncture protection, still got me.

With the weather changing, I am heading into the winter riding season, which can be some of the most challenging riding.


Found on the road during my ride.
Found on the road during my ride.

Crashed my Lyric this past weekend. Was starting a ride and I hadn’t gone very far when my phone slipped out of the holder on the handlebars. As the phone fell, still operating the throttle, I reached down for it with my left hand. The phone bounced off the deck and onto the road. Still bent down, I didn’t want to run it over and I instinctively grabbed the brake with my right hand, which controls the front brake. The Lyric has very good disc brakes that stop on a dime. The front brake stopped the front wheel immediately, but the rest of the scooter was still moving and headed ass-end over the top with me going face first in front of it.

40+ years of motorcycle and bicycle riding has taught me instinctively how to fall. Time kind of slows down and I could see the back end of my scooter with its four 12v SLA batteries coming straight at me as soon as I hit the ground. Luckily it missed me when it landed. (You think experience would have taught me not to grab the front brake rather than fall.)

In the end, nothing was broken other than my pride. Got a bruise or two, but astonishingly no damage to the scooter. The Lyric is a beast. Luckily I had also decided at the last minute to put my helmet on. I didn’t think I could crash this scooter, but I learned differently. I can not only crash it, I can almost flip it. I need to pay attention, be careful.

My Schwinn s600 project jumped ahead. I took the 24v motor from my Schwinn s750 and put it on the 36v s600. I like it a lot. It is a peppy scooter on a smaller frame. I haven’t ridden it too much to see if I will keep it this way, but so far I really like it.

New Project: Schwinn S600

Picked up a new project scooter this past week. I keep saying that I have reached my limit but then another one comes along and… This scooter is interesting. It has rear suspension and a disc brake, is 36v and it a couple of inches shorter than my Schwinn S750. My Quazar scooter is short by a couple of inches than the S600, it’s the shortest.

I popped a battery in and it runs great, but needs a few repairs. I believe it is a 2005. It is fun and comfortable to ride. I should fix it and sell it but part of me wants to keep it. I love the fire engine red, shorter frame and back shock. The handle bars are also 3/4″ shorter than the S750.




Frankenscooter is an excellent website for information about all things electric vehicles. I made a post there explaining my scooter named “Frankenscooter.”  I put a Schwinn S750 together with a Schwinn S1000 Stealth. The result is awesome.Top speed 18 MPH.